Telemedicine is getting a lot of attention while a majority of Americans find themselves in some variation of shelter-at-home mandate. While there were some bumps in the road due to the excessive volume of members suddenly utilizing this benefit a majority of vendors answered the call to action admirably.
However, telemedicine isn’t new and not all vendors or solutions are created equal. Telemedicine has actually been bundled in many fully-insured group health plans for some time but not advertised effectively. The benefit for members differs as well due to the fact that in many bundled scenario’s there is still a copay equal to the PCP copay which offers less of an incentive to members.
Standalone, zero-copay options exist for a low PEPM fee and have the added benefit of adding no claims spend for these services. In many cases, an effective telemedicine solution can help members avoid costly urgent care or ER visits, as well as, save the plan from the claim spend in excess of the member out-of-pocket costs. This is especially beneficial for experience rated or self-insured groups.
#healthrosetta #everymembermatters #britepathhealth